Carbon Facial


The laser carbon facial is a fast and painless procedure to improve the look of your skin. It is used by people with oily skin, acne, and clogged or enlarged pore. This treatment is effective for sun damage to your skin too.

Benefits of the carbon facial?

  • Cleansing of the face:  Carbon absorbs excess oil and contaminants from deep pores which are destroyed once the laser is passed over the treated area. Laser is effective as it destroys the contaminated carbon particles.
  • Exfoliation of the dead skin cells: As mentioned above the carbon gets destroyed by the laser, the dead skin cells, the blackheads are effectively destroyed with the carbon particles providing smooth and radiant skin.
  • Rejuvenation of the skin: Carbon peels stimulates collagen production in the skin which helps in getting plumper, firmer and wrinkle-free skin with a glow on the skin.
  • Destruction of acne and removal of excess oil: The thermal energy of the carbon peel kills the acne-causing bacteria and helps in shrinking of the sebaceous glands which produce excess oils.

Who is a good candidate for facial treatment?

  • This treatment is beneficial for people with oily skin, as it reduces acne-causing bacteria and contracts sebaceous glands or oil.
  • People who want to achieve younger, and glowing skin.
  • Individuals with acne-prone and dull skin.
  • Those who wish to do away with dull skin, wrinkles, fine lines, and blemishes on the face.
  • Both males and females can do this treatment.
  • Those who have realistic expectations with the treatment.
  • Those who wish to improve mildly sagging skin.

Procedure Description:

  • Your doctor will spread a layer of liquid carbon onto your face. The carbon will absorb dirt, oil, and dead skin cells from deep within the pores.
  • You have to wait for about 10 minutes for liquid carbon to dry.
  • Once the carbon will dry, your doctor will give you eye shields to protect your eyes from the laser.
  • Your doctor will pass a laser, such as the ND: YAG, over the skin in a low-energy setting. This heats up the carbon, binding it to the epidermis.
  • If you have sensitive skin or dark patches like melasma, your doctor will recommend skipping the heating step.
  • In a higher-energy setting, the laser will be used to fragment the liquid carbon into tiny particles.
  • A smoke evaporator attached to the laser will remove the carbon as well as the debris and impurities it contains.
  • Your doctor may also apply a hydrating moisturizer and sunscreen to your skin after treatment.
  • You will immediately see brighter, glowing skin and tighter pores.

What is the aftercare for laser carbon facial?

  • Treat your skin gently by continuing to moisturize it.
  • Use sunscreen regularly with at least SPF30+ for several days after treatment.
  • Don’t use any product containing retinol for at least five days after treatment.
  • Don’t exfoliate or use any abrasive or invasive skin treatments for at least one week.
  • If you have oily skin, use products designed to combat acne to maintain optimum results.
  • Use products containing collagen, collagen supplements, or follow a collagen-boosting diet if you have photoaged skin or fine lines.

How effective is the carbon facial?

Smoothening & Brightening of Skin: The carbon facial peel comes in advanced preparations meant for distinctively specific purposes. The process is meant to exfoliate the skin, seemingly decreasing the pore size, smoothening /evening out the skin, brightening the complexion as well as making the skin softer and look more radiant.

Deep Exfoliation of the Skin: The facial is said to be specifically advantageous for people with oily skin, as it reduces acne-causing bacteria and contracts sebaceous glands or oil.

Lightening Age spots and Dark spots: There is so much that charcoal peel rejuvenation can do to improvise your facial skin.

  • The treatment is said to offer benefits that is somewhat distinguishing from the other alternative procedure.
  • The Laser charcoal peel procedure is suitable for all ages and has the ability to lighten age spots and dark spots, fade freckles, shrink pores, minimize wrinkles, soften fine lines, and remove acne blackheads and whiteheads.

Lift and tighten the skin: One of the most frustrating problems that either occurs with age or due to an imbalanced lifestyle is sagging skin. It’s actually petrifying to imagine oneself in loose skin that’s droopy and dull to displeasure.

  • The advanced carbon peel rejuvenation is a suitable treatment for those looking to improve the skin’s elasticity, lift and tighten the skin.
  • The procedure is useful to moisturize the skin and give it a stout appearance with a bright and glowing skin tone
  • As the laser perforates through the deep layers of the skin, it is thought to prompt the production of collagen, meaning firmer, lighter, brighter and more youthful-looking skin.


Is the Carbon Laser Facial right for me?

The Carbon Laser Facial can be used safely on all skin types and is most useful when the skin is already healthy or only mildly damaged. If skin damage is significant, we recommend starting with our hand-tailored skin rejuvenation programs. If your skin is healthy, the Carbon Laser Facial can be repeated as often as desired to maintain its healthy glow.

Does it hurt?

A carbon laser facial is a painless, non-invasive treatment to improve the appearance of your skin. After you leave our facility, you can return right away to work or other daily activities.

How long does the treatment take?

You can easily fit a carbon laser facial into your workday. The entire treatment, includes a consultation, the application of the carbon paste and the laser procedure. Takes approximately 45 minutes.

Immediately after the treatment, what will I notice?

You could experience some mild redness after the treatment, but you will also see results in your glowing, radiant skin and reduced acne and pore size immediately following your first treatment. This treatment has the power of multiple chemical peels, in a safe, non-invasive laser procedure.

How many sessions will I need?

You’ll begin to see powerful results after only one session. A course of four to five sessions spaced one to four weeks apart, can give great results for improved collagen production, reduced oiliness and tighter, more radiant skin.

The Carbon Laser Facial is the ultimate inconvenience.

You can develop a multi-treatment regimen for even greater benefits. Intensive and results-oriented, the Carbon Laser Facial performs like no other non-invasive facial peel treatment on the market. And it’s easy to see why.

Talk with your Specialist about other skincare programs as a follow-up to the Laser Facial. He or she will help you to determine the program that’s right for your skin.