Hair Transplant


A Hair Transplant is a surgical technique that removes hair follicles from one part of the body called the donor site, to a bald part of the body known as the recipient site. Hair transplantation can also be used to restore eyebrows & beard hair.

Pattern baldness is responsible for the majority of hair loss. The causes are due to a variety of factors including

  • Genetics
  • Stress
  • Illness
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Medications
  • Change of place

Anatomy And Physiology:

AnagenIt is the growth stage of the hair follicle cycle
CatagenIn this stage regression and involution occur
TelogenIt is considered as resting stage
ExogenThis is known as the active hair shaft shedding stage.
KerogenIn this stage telogen follicles without club hair forms.
Club haircompletely keratinized, dead hair is formed at telogen stage
Lanugo hairPresence of fine hairs on the foetus body
Vellus hairThey are non-pigmented, and mostly non-medullated
Terminal hairsThey are large and pigmented
Hair matrixIt consists of rapidly proliferating keratinocytes that move upwards to produce the hair shaft
Follicular dermal papilla (DP)It is the onion-shaped portion of the hair bulb which is surrounded by hair matrix cells.
Hair bulbIt is the lowermost portion of the hair follicle which includes the hair matrix and follicular dermal papilla
IsthmusIt is the lower portion of the upper part of hair follicle 
InfundibulumThis is the uppermost portion of the hair follicle
BulgeIt is the segment of the outer root sheath which is located at the insertion of arrector pili muscle
Inner root sheath (IRS)It helps to take shape and guides the hair shaft 
Outer root sheath (ORS)It extends from the hair bulb to the epidermis and infundibulum serves as a reservoir of stem cells
Connective tissue sheath (CTS)This is the mesenchymal follicular layer that attaches to the basement membrane of the hair follicle and interacts with the follicular dermal papilla


There are two types of transplant procedure:

  • FUE
  • FUT

FUE:  Follicular unit extraction is one of the advanced procedures for restoring hair.  FUE is a type of hair transplant done by taking individual hair follicles from the donor site and moving them to the bald area. It has become more popular than FUT because this technique doesn’t leave any sign of extraction.


  •  FUE is an outpatient procedure, so you can typically go home after the procedure.
  •  You don’t have to interrupt your daily routine too much after FUE. But don’t immerse the area in water or do any rigorous exercise for about a week.
  • FUE won’t leave a large scar-like FUT does.

Who might benefit from a hair transplant?

Receiving a hair transplant can improve your appearance and self-confidence. Good candidates for a hair transplant include:

  • Men with male pattern baldness
  • Women with thinning hair
  • Anyone who has lost hair from burn or scalp injury

Hair transplant is not a good option for

  • people who don’t have enough donor area
  • People who form keloid scars (thick, fibrous scars ) after injury or surgery
  • People whose hair loss is due to a certain medication such as chemotherapy
  • Any heart intervention like stents surgery

What are the complications associated with a Hair Transplant?

Side effects from a hair transplant are usually minor and clear up within a few weeks. They can include:

  • Swelling of scalp
  • Bruising around eyes
  • A crust that forms on the areas of the scalp where hair was removed or implanted
  • Numbness or lack of sensation on the treated areas of the scalp
  • Itching
  • Bleeding
  • Inflammation of the hair follicles which is known as folliculate

What to expect after an FUE hair transplant?

  Recovery from FUE is quick. You may have some swelling or discomfort for about 3 days. Here are some aftercare instructions after the Hair transplant procedure:

  • After your surgery, your scalp will be very tender
  • You will be wearing bandages for at least 3-5 days after your surgery.
  • You will be advised to take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs for several days.
  • You will return to work 2-5 days after your surgery
  • After a few months of your surgery, you will start noticing new hair growth.      
  • Don’t wash your hair for at least 5 days
  • Use gentle, unscented shampoo for a few weeks once you start washing your hair.
  • Don’t comb or brush your new hair for at least 3 weeks.
  • Don’t wear hats, caps or other clothing that goes overhead until your doctor prescribed.
  • Don’t do any strenuous physical activity for at least a week.
  • Some hair may fall out during the span of 20-25 days or during the healing process that will be normal.

Preparing for an FUE Hair Transplant: 

  • Don’t smoke for at least a day before your surgery.
  • Don’t consume alcohol for at least 3 days before surgery.
  • Don’t take aspirin or blood thinners for about 2 weeks before surgery.
  • Don’t take any vitamins or dietary supplements for 1 week before your surgery.
  • Try to avoid taking antidepressants for about 2 weeks before surgery.
  • Don’t get your haircut before the surgery.
  • Do a scalp massage for 10 to 30 minutes every day for a few weeks to increase blood flow to your scalp.
  • Take proper medications that your doctor asks you to take.
  • Have to get your blood test done before surgery

Myths vs Facts:

Myth 1: Only men can have hair transplants.

Fact: As men are prone to hair loss so most people believe that transplants are only for men. But both men and women have different patterns of baldness and both require hair transplants.

The results are seen better in women as they have long hair to maintain after hair transplantation.

Myth 2: There is no additional treatment required after you get a hair transplant.

Fact: Hair transplant will not stop further hair loss without getting the post-transplant treatment.

The post-transplant treatment includes solutions in the form of applications, or oral tablets and PRP injections.

Myth 3: Body hair and scalp hair transplant have the same results.

Fact: Body hair has a different growth rate and texture as compared to scalp hair. Body hair may be provided in areas where a person experiences maximum hair loss, but it is never the same.

Myth 4: Hair transplant shows instant result

Fact: The transplanted hair usually falls after three weeks, but the hair root does not stop growing as the blood supply to the root is formed and remains permanent

The best growth is seen in the 9th to 12th months.

Myth 5: After a hair transplant, new hair falls down

Fact: This is the most common myth and people above the age of 40 and 50 hesitate to do the hair transplant due to this. But, this is entirely untrue.

Myth 6: The hair transplant process is very painful

Fact: Your surgeon will do the process under anaesthesia and it will be a completely painless procedure. 

There might be chances of slight discomfort due to pinprick, which is normal

Myth 7: Hair transplant looks unnatural

Fact: Hair transplant under the supervision of a good surgeon will never make you worry about appearance.

Your surgeon will make sure that your hair will look as natural as before.

Myth 8: You should not wash your hair after a hair transplant

Fact: Washing your hair will not stop hair growth. You just have to keep the treated area clean to avoid any infection.

Myth 9: Your brain will be affected by hair transplant

Fact: This is one of the biggest myths one has. A hair transplant does not harm your brain in any sense.

Myth 10: Hair transplant is a very costly

Fact: Hair might require a little investment but that doesn’t mean it is not affordable.