PRP for Hair and Skin


Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is a natural product and treatment created from your own body. It involves obtaining a sample of your own blood for concentration and then separation of the red and white cells from the platelets and the plasma. Rich platelets containing growth factors are in this concentrated plasma. This is then re-administered into your skin at your appointment.

For the skin


Platelets are the cells in the blood that help tissue to heal and stimulate new cell growth. When the PRP is injected into specific areas of the skin, it acts as a matrix that promotes your own collagen to grow and regenerate tissue as well as speeds up the skin’s repair process. This repair process results in smoother, tighter skin, less scarring, and improved skin tone.


After separating the highly concentrated platelet-rich plasma from your own blood sample, it will be prepared into a series of injections

  •  These take a few minutes to administer and are mildly uncomfortable due to topical numbing.
  •  After the injections are complete, the less concentrated plasma is applied to the surface of your skin. A micro-needling pen that is comprised of sterile needle tips needle is used to create controlled micro-channels in your skin.
  • This creates tissue injury which gives an added jump start to the PRP to stimulate tissue repair and growth. 
  • The micro-needling procedure is relatively painless and takes about 15 minutes to complete. When the injections are paired with micro-needling you get even greater results than micro-needling alone.


While the PRP is being prepared your skin will be cleaned and numbed for the treatment. 

  • The injections and micro-needling is done using your body’s natural product.
  • Mild swelling and moderate redness will occur and will fade within 1-3 days. 
  • Occasionally, there may be some bruising which should resolve within 5 days. 
  • Typically, the downtime with this procedure is very minimal and the results are well worth it.


The goal of PRP skin rejuvenation therapy is to improve skin tone and texture, tighten skin, decrease scarring, and soften lines and pores. Results begin to show 3 to 4 weeks after the treatment session and continue to improve with time.



Hair loss is one of the most disappointing cosmetic issues that can affect men and women and can lead to a drastic deterioration in confidence. For those looking to reverse the effects of hair loss, PRP is a useful and all-natural option. It is a technique that is all-natural and non-invasive that has numerous studies and patients 


PRP is rich with essential nutrients and growth factors that are believed to help decrease inflammation and stimulate new follicular hair regrowth. PRP is most effective when used in conjunction with other treatment options and prescription home care which our providers can discuss with you at your initial appointment.


Men and women experiencing symptoms of hair loss will likely benefit from this procedure in conjunction with other treatment options. If you are experiencing these symptoms, initial consultation with one of our providers is important to discuss your needs and goals. Unfortunately, PRP does not work for all types of hair loss so it is important to discuss this with a provider prior to treatments.

Procedure description:

This procedure involves three easy steps. 

  • First, blood is generally drawn from the arm.
  •  Next, the blood is processed into a centrifuge which separates it into three different layers: platelet-poor plasma, platelet-rich plasma, and red blood cells. 
  • The platelet-rich plasma is drawn from the separated blood, and the rest is not used. The PRP is then injected into your scalp and hair follicles.
  • As you can see, this is a more natural way of inducing hair regrowth for non-surgical hair, as it uses only your own organic matter.
  • The PRP procedure is given typically three times every four to six weeks, and maintenance is done every four to six months to ensure that the hair loss stays at a minimum.
  • PRP therapy is relatively new to the world of medicine, and it is still being tested in clinical studies. However, this procedure is being proven more effective every day not only for hair regrowth but for muscle injuries as well.


The PRP procedure comes in more than one dose. It is a series of injections carried out over a period of weeks and redone over several months, so you will begin to see changes as you progress through the treatment. What you may notice are as follows:

  • Your hair may become thicker and denser in the problem areas being treating
  • The appearance of balding and thinning spots may be reversed
  • Your receding hairline may begin to grow back in
  • Your self-confidence will increase gradually as those problem areas may seem to disappear


Who should go for PRP treatment?

People with poor hair growth and weak hair are ideal candidates for PRP treatment for hair loss. PRP can also be beneficial for those suffering from alopecia areata.

How are extracellular matrixes helpful in PRP treatment?

PRP treatment works even better when combined with extracellular matrixes such as ACell or BioD.

When can you expect the results from PRP treatment?

It generally takes 6–9 months to see visible results after a PRP hair loss treatment.

How long do the effects of PRP treatment last?

Studies suggest that plain PRP treatments for hair loss are good for around 6 weeks while PRP treatments combined extracellular matrixes last for up to 2 years. However, repeated treatments may be required after a gap of a year.

What is downtime?

There is no downtime as such. You can resume your daily routine right after the treatment. After a couple of hours, patients can even style their hair the way they want, take shower, and even shampoo their hair.

What are the factors that make someone ineligible for PRP treatment?

You should speak to your performing surgeon in detail about the expected results. The results may vary depending on the number of weak hair follicles in a particular region.